Learning the Land TEA & NCC Partnership Showcase

It was an awesome experience having spent 2014-2020 coordinating a Learning the Land partnership between Treaty Education Alliance (TEA) and the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) that included many different projects and initiatives over that time-span, some of which are featured in the video above.

Background Information on Video:

Back on June 10th of 2020, we released this video to celebrate and showcase some of the projects and initiatives that were developed and delivered in partnership with TEA, NCC and our affiliated schools and first nations, including:
Before shooting this video, each group of students were asked:
  1. What word or symbol would best represent what your group would like to see more of in this world?
  2.  What key land locations around your First Nation best represent who you are and where you come from?
The video reveals the answers to those questions, while set in time and in tune with three songs produced and created by N’we Jinan Artists and the talented youth from Kawacatoose, Cote and Ocean Man first nations, (played in the following order): “MANY PATHS” // Kawacatoose First Nation: https://youtu.be/Qpbw6UvB21U “LOOK AT ME” // Cote First Nation: https://youtu.be/C5FVxXzK8Hs “HUNGER FOR MORE” // Ocean Man First Nation: https://youtu.be/rk9fIVSMVHg
Hope you enjoy it, like, comment, or share!
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